Industry Encyclopedia
  • Top 5 Tips to Pick the Best Office Chair
    There are many benefits to having a good office chair in addition to having less back strain. A good, supportive office chair prevents fatigue and discomfort that can come from siting in the same chair for hours on end.Studies have shown that comfortable employees are more productive and contribute to a more positive work environment than uncomfortable employees. Finally, having the correct, comfortable office chair reduces the number of breaks the employee will need to take due to being uncomfortable.Let’s follow the 5tips to pick the best chair for your office. Read More
  • The Definitive Guide to Choosing the Right Chair for Your Conference Room
    Furnishing a conference room is about more than color scheme and design style; it’s also about comfort and durability. Essentially, the best conference room chairs feel as good as they look. when your colleagues, clients and employees sit down in your meeting room, you want them to be able to focus, Read More
  • 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Office Chairs
    1) Office Chairs See a Lot of UseOffice chairs typically see a lot of use in their lifetime. According to the National Post, the average office worker sits for approximately 10 hours a day. Assuming an employee works 262 days a year, his or her office chair would be used for a total of 2,620 hours. Read More
  • What is an ergonomic office?
    What is an ergonomic office? Read More
  • At work but out of it
    “Presenteeism” describes a situation when someone is at work but not really all there — not 100 per cent, not at their best, feeling a bit unwell or maybe a little distracted.The term is less well known than absenteeism, its more blatant counterpart, even though presenteeism’s impact on producti Read More
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