
How to Clean Office Chair Caster Wheels?

Views: 85     Author: KABEL     Publish Time: 2018-12-20      Origin: Site

How to Clean Office Chair Caster Wheels?

Rolling task chairs are great for allowing you to move around your desk easily. But when the wheels of your office chair stop working well, the chair moves from being a convenience to being a struggle. The wheels often stop working because they become clogged with dirt, hair and other debris. Fortunately, cleaning the wheels of a rolling office chair is a simple task that can return your chair back to a pleasurable piece of furniture to use. To help with your office chair cleaning efforts, here are the steps to follow:

Flip Your Chair

Place the chair upside down on the floor with the wheels sticking up. Sit in another chair in front of the one you are working on. This gives you easy access to the wheels.


Start with Your Fingers

When it comes to cleaning caster wheels, your fingers are your best tools. Instead of using a washcloth and soapy water, start by using your hands to pick off anything stuck to or inside of the wheels. If there’s particularly sticky gunk in there (like chewing gum), you can also use a butter knife and rubbing alcohol, tweezers or the pointed curve of a bottle opener to try and dislodge tricky objects.

 clean office chair caster wheels

Remove Larger Debris

Scrape any debris off the wheels with the butter knife. The knife will fit through the slots and under the wheel cover. This allows you to remove most of the debris preventing the wheel from rolling. Be careful not to use too much force and create gouges in the plastic wheels, which will prevent them from spinning properly. Use the tweezers to remove hair that might be caught in the wheel. If you want, you can remove the wheels from the chair for this step, but since you will be working with a knife, it may be best to have the chair securely holding the wheels in place, instead of your hand.


Use Tape to Remove Debris

After you’ve removed everything you can with your fingers, use tape to remove smaller pieces of debris. The tape may be able to lock onto the dirt and pull it away from the wheel.


Wash the Wheels

Once you’ve gotten all the grit and particles off the wheels, you can place them inside warm, soapy water and let them soak. After about five to 10 minutes, pull one out and scrub it until clean. Rinse and let dry; repeat with all the wheels.

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Dry Each Wheel Thoroughly

If moisture remains inside the wheel, it can cause squeaking or give dirt something to more easily stick to. Use either clean rags or paper towels to dry the wheels. If you are at home, a blow dryer on low can work well, too.


Re-attach Clean Wheels

Once you’ve thoroughly cleaned and dried your wheels, you are free to return them to the base of your chair. When you’ve gotten everything re-secured, test your chair on a cleaned office floor to see if the wheels are now functioning properly. If something still seems off, try spraying a little lubricant into the wheels to help the chair move more smoothly.

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